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Version: 2.3

DRAW and CODE Releases Notes

DRAW 1.11.0


Composer DRAW 1.11.0, released on March 2021

New features

  • Safe mode: allow the user to reload the UI Editor in safe mode, without rendering any broken data
  • Error message prompt to the user, inviting to reload DRAW in Safe mode to edit the problematic brick
  • Edit input/output type in logic editor
  • Added support for large transactions, via dedicated HTTP endpoints
  • Only Projects can now be imported/exported from DRAW
  • DRAW stability and zoom issues improvements

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Domains (Login bricks included) are now removed
  • Offline mode improvements
  • Map Component - updates for map rendering and map ID due to changes in the map providers
  • SC Runtime spinner
  • You will see dates stored in UTC timezone within Neo4j
  • Bricks created in Olympe DRAW are by default public now
  • Various UI improvements for bricks, property picker, logic editor, tooltips and zoom issues
  • You can create an OpenAPI connector only from inside a Project or a Folder
  • Snapshooter small enhancements

CODE 8.0.0


Olympe Code 8.0.0, released on March 2021


  • Handling transactions through HTTP
  • Use native JS primitive types in bricks inputs/output
  • Use native JS Date over Olympe ODateTime in bricks
  • Domains have been removed

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Increase Test coverage
  • Offline mode improvements
  • Map Component: updates for map rendering and map ID due to changes in the map providers
  • SC Runtime spinner enhancement
  • You will see dates stored in UTC timezone within Neo4j
  • Date and Time primitive types have been merged into the Datetime type

DRAW 1.10.3


Composer DRAW 1.10.3, released on February 2021

Bug fixes

  • Moving function from one folder content is no longer deleted
  • Data model editor: Generate skeleton
  • OpenAPI Generation improvements
  • Support offline mode and subscription

CODE 7.8.3


Olympe Code 7.8.3, released on February 2021


  • Big transactions handled through HTTP

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Token unserializer in compiled mode
  • Blocks override in graph results
  • Support offline mode improvements
  • Root instance garbage collected improvements

DRAW 1.10.2


Composer DRAW 1.10.2, released on January 2021


  • Implementation of a REST API connector using a Swagger file

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Automatic save enhancements
  • Refactor Swagger API
  • Generator Constructors/Getters/Setters: Inputs/Outputs are now visible
  • Logic Editor improvements
  • Generate custom getter/setter/constructor

CODE 7.8.2


Olympe Code 7.8.2, released on January 2021


  • Implementation of SAML Logout

Bug fixes

  • State of authentication manager when handshake is unsucessful
  • Map Component rendering and Map ID property fixes
  • HTTP bricks in function model
  • Add custom user data to token, coming from IDP
  • Swagger API refactor new bricks

DRAW 1.10.1


Composer DRAW 1.10.1, released on November 2020


  • Adding default values to a Coded Brick input

Bug fixes

  • Logic Editor scrolling enhancement in UI Property Picker
  • UI Editor improvements
  • TreeLayer manipulation around moving elements

CODE 7.8.1


Olympe Code 7.8.1, released on November 2020

Bug fixes

  • SC Runtime spinner
  • Review usage of the logger

DRAW 1.10.0


Composer DRAW 1.10.0, released on November 2020


  • Generating standard getter/setter/constructor for a Business Model
  • Generating JS boiler plate of logic coded bricks from DRAW
  • Changing functions inputs/outputs rank
  • Generating a coded brick from DRAW

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • UI Improvement for brick parameter name and contextual Menus
  • Imported business models as function inputs/outputs usage
  • Provide DRAW on a public repository
  • Map component improvements

CODE 7.8.0


Olympe Code 7.8.0, released on November 2020


  • Logic Bricks creation public API
  • ZIP archives (typically generated by media libraries) should be re-exported because their format has been changed

Bug fixes and small improvements

  • Better import experience in DRAW
  • Added integration tests and increased test coverage
  • Follow-rules visualizer
  • Support for Mac OS Big Sur
  • New Coded Brick API Implementation
  • Adapt IOService to new backup-restore service

DRAW 1.9.2


Composer DRAW 1.9.2, released on December 2020


  • Connect & Disconnect bricks to handle orchestrator connections in SC apps

Bug fixes

  • Automatic save Missing files in the bootstrap binaries
  • ScreeflowEditor's return
  • Property mapping not available in OnStart event
  • Login & Logout bricks will now wait until operation is complete before triggering the control flow

DRAW 1.9.1


Composer DRAW 1.9.1, released on November 2020

Bug fixes

  • Multiple bugs with Runnables fixed
  • Screenflow Editor’s return functions fixes

DRAW 1.9.0


Composer DRAW 1.9.0, released on November 2020

Important notes

  • Long Term Support (LTS) release.
  • Subscriptions only mode is now fully supported

Bug fixes

  • Handling data in Subscription mode (Property Mapping)
  • Set user password brick
  • Add SubscribeInstance bricks

CODE 7.7.2


Olympe Code 7.7.2, released on January 2021

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • State of authentication manager improvements when handshake is unsucessful
  • Resend subscriptions when login/logout
  • Merge refresh token mesage with subscriptions

CODE 7.7.1


Olympe Code 7.7.1, released on December 2020

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • OffLine mode mechanism to update/override bootstrap area
  • Support for Mac OS Big Sur - phase 1
  • Olympe modules dependencies visualiser

CODE 7.7.0


Olympe Code 7.7.0, released on November 2020


  • Allow subscriptions to have a name, to facilitate the debugging and leak detection

Bug fixes

  • Subscription report should never fail
  • Debugging mechanismsfor subscriptions
  • Improved garbage collection
  • Being able to request the user tag from a token
  • Errors from notification time should be logged by transaction sender
  • Wrong behavior on Sync methods
  • Cancel pending HTTP requests (subscriptions) when context destroyed
  • Various GraphDef improvements in functions handling

DRAW 1.8.2


Composer DRAW 1.8.2, released on October 2020

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Screenflow unmapping UI properties in transitions fix
  • Image Visual Component improvement
  • Chrome Support for macOS Big Sur

DRAW 1.8.1


COmposer DRAW 1.8.1, released on September 2020

Bug fixes

  • Automatic saver improvements in implementation
  • Terminate the snapshooter process when a connection to the server cannot be established
  • Allow the use of automatic saver with permissions enabled

DRAW 1.8.0


Composer DRAW 1.8.0, released on September 2020


  • Subscriptions backend oriented

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Bricks Documentation improvements
  • Documentation in DRAW for function outputs/inputs and UI properties
  • Fix datatable edition
  • UI Improvement about the Welcome message, Function Editor, Account creator
  • Fix Account creator screen
  • Themes were not correctly linked to UI Apps
  • Import other repositories in a repository
  • Improved error handling for Hardcoded bricks

CODE 7.6.1


Olympe Code 7.6.1, released on September 2020

Bug fixes

  • Compatibility of Cordova apps work in Windows
  • Subscription listdef coverage in relation with the transactions
  • Unsubscription twice error handling
  • Errors handling coming from websocket

CODE 7.6.0


Olympe Code 7.6.0, released on September 2020


  • Separation of messages handling: query and subscription
  • Database actions manipulation for subscribe, pull and query

Bug fixes

  • Remove deprecated data
  • Improve quality of code in database methods
  • Add modified date property on Files
  • Update Button and checkbox UI customization
  • UI Improvement regarding the Carousel component
  • Add Icon to Button
  • MosaicLayout number of lines incorrect when using auto height
  • Static loggers
  • Make RichTextView content selectable

CODE 7.5.3


Olympe Code 7.5.3, released on August 2020

Bug fixes

  • Fix last subscription bugs

DRAW 1.7.3


Composer DRAW 1.7.3, released on July 2020

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Fix Property Mapping
  • Service Apps improvements
  • Data Set Editor supports uploading a file
  • Functions promotions
  • VisualComponent is shown in the navigationTree

DRAW 1.7.2


Composer DRAW 1.7.2, released on July 2020

Bug fixes

  • Function call bricks deletion improvements in the Function Sub-Editor
  • Branch brick accepts null / undefined as condition
  • Allow the tag of a BusinessModel to be shown in the DataModel editor

CODE 7.5.2


Olympe Code 7.5.2, released on July 2020

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Check subscription coverage
  • Align login messages with orchestrator (SAML)
  • Files with relative URL issue fixed
  • Specify a mechanism that generates a "subscription report"
  • Subscription mode Filter is not taken into account for listdef coverage

DRAW 1.7.1


Composer DRAW 1.7.1, released on July 2020


  • Visual differentiator between softcoded function and hardcoded ones in Function Editor

Bug fixes

  • Documentation improvements

CODE 7.5.1


Olympe Code 7.5.1, released on July 2020

Bug fixes

  • Unit testing for file related components
  • Change cursor to pointer when registering OnClick
  • Base64 <-> string conversion

DRAW 1.7.0


Composer DRAW 1.7.0, released on June 2020


  • Files properties displayed in the Data Set Editor
  • Running a Service App in a separate tab

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Service App: Hide functions that also exist as actions
  • Folder editor: select text when creating a new object
  • Always display tags in Data Set Editor
  • Adapt DRAW to be compatible with File improvements
  • Welcome Text improvements
  • Complex final component should be subscribed by usage
  • %EMPTY% no longer appears when text is computed by a function.
  • Remove Device from project marketplace
  • Logic bricks improvements

CODE 7.5.0


Olympe Code 7.5.0, released on June 2020


  • Usage of RFC 3986.
  • FileUpload and DataCloud Files improvements

Bug fixes

  • Synchronise offline files when re-connecting
  • Setting the same complex property twice deletes it.
  • Basic authentication doesn't work with HTTP bricks
  • File API improvements
  • Remove ACKs for burst transaction

DRAW 1.6.3


Composer DRAW 1.6.3, released on June 2020

Bug fixes and minors

  • Fixed Function definition inline-editor and warnings (eg: dropdown renderer)
  • Fixed Logic bricks to be less restrictive

CODE 7.4.3


Olympe Code 7.4.3, released on June 2020

Bug fixes

  • Parameters of HTTP request query are not send along with the request
  • Bugs fixed around new GraphPatches

DRAW 1.6.2


Composer DRAW 1.6.2, released on June 2020

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • DRAW setup wizard improvements around accounts
  • Breadcrump enhacements for displaying Screens/Visual Components
  • Dropdown inline Editor fixes

CODE 7.4.2


Olympe Code 7.4.2, released on June 2020

Bug fixes

  • Theme class inline editor doesn't allow to search for a class
  • Many minor bugs fixed for Open Olympe release and Bootstrap file generation

DRAW 1.6.1


Composer DRAW 1.6.1, released in May 2020


  • Cloning a brick in the Folder Editor
  • Implement feedback form
  • Account users setup
  • Welcome popup added to DRAW

Bug fixes

  • Improvements on DRAW’s performance
  • Updated link to Olympe support website
  • Fixes for marketplace
  • Community Martetplace Visibility UX/UI
  • Allowing offline start-up

CODE 7.4.1


Olympe Code 7.4.1, released on May 2020


  • New Carousel component

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Manual connect / disconnect from server API
  • Refactor Server & Auth manager for offline

DRAW 1.6.0


Composer DRAW 1.6.0, released on May 2020

New features

  • Tag of an object visible in Folder Editor
  • DatePicker Visual Component
  • Integrate link to Support site in DRAW
  • Editing the documentation of the brick
  • Additional datetime and string manipulation bricks
  • Release of IsOnline brick
  • Added error handling for HTTP actions
  • Additional listdef manipulation bricks
  • Provide additional data queries bricks
  • Branch brick was refactored into a function

Bug fixes

  • Make runtime default import extensible
  • (Image) files are now persisted
  • Error handling and logic editor UX adjustments
  • Improved existing ocumentation
  • Logic Editor: Error flow output prevents from testing an action
  • Theme properties Editor improvements
  • DataSet editor supports inherited properties and relations
  • Imported projects rendering
  • Improve marketplace visibility
  • UI Editor: Group/ungroup issues
  • Implementation and fix documentation UX
  • HTML tags are now parsed correctly

CODE 7.4.0


Olympe Code 7.4.0, released on May 2020


  • Optionalize metadata
  • Delete inside transactions
  • Minor adaptations for Hard-Coded/Soft-Coded and Repo reorganisation
  • Offline work can be persisted - App can boot offline
  • We keep aggregated transactions in memory while offline
  • New in-memory database implementation regarding the API, transactions and transaction data manipulations
  • Persistence of files and Complex properties automatically done by transactions

Bug fixes and small improvements

  • Garbage collection of instances in the GraphDB
  • Get file content as UTF-8 (when using data url)
  • Fix DC unit test random behaviour
  • FileManager should use the Router
  • Import down into the framework basic functions used in bricks
  • FileServiceManager may store files in cache without their content
  • Tooltips can sometimes be partially off-screen

DRAW 1.5.4


Composer DRAW 1.5.4, released on April 2020


  • Datamodel Editor inheritance
  • Display all usage of an UI Property and Event
  • Usages listing of functions, actions or Visual Components with improved design
  • It is now possible to see the documentation of functions in the function editor
  • Add padding to buttons
  • Functions and actions can now throw errors
  • The default theme has been revamped
  • Back and Next navigator buttons can be used to navigate in DRAW

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Promoted actions having control flow inputs and no control flow output fixed
  • Custom events on VisualComponent are triggered onLoad
  • Complex Properties crash in Data Set Editor and Properties Panel fixed
  • Generate bricks documentation for Doc platform
  • Editing Visual Components with default values improved

CODE 7.3.4


Olympe Code 7.3.4, released on April 2020


  • Manage navigation history

Bug fixes

  • Height of VerticalLayout fix
  • Concurrent animation
  • Label/Button auto-width/auto-height: Refresh needed to see the effect

CODE 7.3.3


Olympe Code 7.3.3, released on March 2020

Bug fixes

  • Managed files should only store a relative URL
  • Model relations and functions IO present in a goo

DRAW 1.5.2


Composer DRAW 1.5.2, released on March 2020


  • Simplify permissions of projects

Bug fixes

  • Screen size adjustments
  • Control flows usage.
  • We removed the User&Group object and its Editors

CODE 7.3.2


Olympe Code 7.3.2, released on March 2020

Bug fixes

  • Dropdown placeholder doesn't apply font properties
  • Fix more autoHeight on HTMLContainer

DRAW 1.5.1


Composer DRAW 1.5.1, released on March 2020


  • New properties on labels; Auto-wrap and break-word, truncate text (ellipsis)
  • Bricks documentation improvements
  • UX Improvements

Bug fixes

  • OnLoad/OnStart Functions fix
  • Runtime application was running multiple times
  • FontFamily dropdown doesn't support Font that have no name
  • UI Editor Visual Components located in the Marketplace
  • Usage of custom fonts in Media Library

CODE 7.3.1


Olympe Code 7.3.1, released on March 2020


  • Label text overflow (ellipsis or clip)

Bug fixes

  • Resend handshake after logout to provide a domain
  • RichTextView autoHeight fixed

DRAW 1.5.0


Composer DRAW 1.5.0, released on February 2020


  • Bricks documentation available
  • Added Root Repository
  • DRAW Authentication changes
  • Root repositories are the new objects containing repositories

Bug fixes

  • Bricks documentation data model
  • DRAW crashes improvements when promoting a Function
  • Issue when moving a repository into another repository fixed
  • RootRepositories have been added
  • Added Documentation MetaData model and relation.
  • Added hardcoded value functions for positioning (Center, Top, Percent...). - Added a function label to identify those.

CODE 7.3.0


Olympe Code 7.3.0, released on February 2020


  • Create a RichText UI component
  • Add optional Tooltip to UI elements

Bug fixes

  • Add rank managing in SlotManager
  • Refresh token message handling
  • Transactions made of multi patches are atomic
  • Review implementation of Vertical and Horizontal layouts

DRAW 1.4.2


Composer DRAW 1.4.2, released on February 2020


  • Promoting an anonymous function/action to a reusable one
  • New Action implemented: Take Photo
  • DRAW UX Improvements

Bug fixes

  • Logic, UI, Folder Editors various improvements
  • App names are not displayed in the header anymore.
  • Support "keep alive" sessions in DRAW and in App Runtime.

CODE 7.2.2


Olympe Code 7.2.2, released on February 2020


  • Cordova support for Camera App access

Bug fixes

  • Usage of HTTP streaming instead of websocket
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Ping message sent a string instead of an object
  • UI Editor: Lists height adjustment
  • Handle user token expiration
  • Improve performances of some rendering for Applications

DRAW 1.4.1


Composer DRAW 1.4.1, released on January 2020


  • Form controls enhancements
  • UI Apps have now a popup that displays a list of usages

Bug fixes

  • Implement queries that retrieves the list of usages of UIProperties/Event, Functions, BusinessModels and BusinessModel properties
  • Expose properties of checkbox (toggle) element
  • UI Editor and UI property various bug fixes
  • New input to format datetime
  • Improved UX experience when renaming or deleting items in Layers panel

CODE 7.2.1


Olympe Code 7.2.1, released on January 2020

Bug fixes

  • Error handling improvements for lists when chaining too many filters
  • FileManager: config to disable cache
  • OdateTime format with local timezone
  • UI Editor ranks updates

DRAW 1.4.0


Composer DRAW 1.4.0, released on December 2019


  • Important standardization of the base models of the Runtime datamodel.
  • Reorganization of the Olympe Runtime DataModel
  • Screenflows are now contained within UIApp.

Bug fixes

  • Fix relations of files within MediaLibrary
  • Service App Editor is called "Device"
  • Add placeholder and disabled properties on TextArea
  • Fixed linking of screens transitions and property mappings within screenflows
  • ControlFlow is now a model

CODE 7.2.0


Olympe Code 7.2.0, released on December 2019


  • Faster updates of transactions
  • Synchronise Framework to new validity checker
  • Transaction are applied remotely first

Bug fixes

  • Support an array of baseTag for graphDef Delete and Get
  • Modify and migrate tags of properties of File
  • Separate follow-rules and operations for graph delete
  • Deleting instance that is a complex property clears the reference
  • Subscriptions must check their coverage
  • Review the pipeline of processors to the Datacloud
  • Exporting ZIP archive data improved
  • Handshake handling - GetContext / Subscription mode

DRAW 1.3.7


Composer DRAW 1.3.7, released on December 2019


  • Expose offsets from scrollable components

Bug fixes

  • Expose properties of checkbox (toggle) element

Datamodel modifications

  • Two more properties added on GroupDefinition
  • New properties on dropdowns

DRAW 1.3.6


Composer DRAW 1.3.6, released on November 2019


  • Datetime inline editor for the DataSet editor
  • Scrolling improvements in the UI Editor

Bug fixes

  • Allow texts to be selected by default
  • UI Editor and Function Editor improvements for Visual Component
  • Exporting a project to a ZIP file glitch fixed
  • Logic Editor fix for adding removing inputs/outputs
  • Include Theme when new project is created
  • Removed ContentWidth and ContentHeight properties from GroupModel

CODE 7.1.9


Olympe Code 7.1.9, released on November 2019


  • Transactions made while being offline are buffered and sent upon reconnection
  • Olympe webservice API now wraps the node.js library restify for future needs

Bug fixes

  • HTTP requests on endpoints with similar path handling
  • Sorting lists updates
  • Added placeholder property on TextArea
  • Transactions made supporting offline and online mode
  • Improve API handling in node back-ends
  • URL input sanitization
  • update version of D3 js library

CODE 7.1.7


Olympe Code 7.1.7, released on November 2019

Bug fixes

  • Add support of URL query and URL sanitization
  • Prevent browsers from autocompleting text fields
  • Changing behaviour of deletion in the DataCloud

DRAW 1.3.3


Composer DRAW 1.3.3, released on November 2019


  • Themes editor UX changes
  • New login screen

Bug fixes

  • UIComponent properties are computable
  • Better transitions between screens on event
  • Deleting a Visual Component in a screen no longer deletes the model
  • Visual Component Default percentage value set to 100

CODE 7.1.6


Olympe Code 7.1.6, released on October 2019

Bug fixes

  • Support OPTIONS request type for webservices endpoints
  • Clean-up closure compiler warnings
  • Properties update to null received from orchestrator are not applied
  • Authorize HTML content overflow for layouts
  • FileUpload click opens file explorer
  • Support null defaultValue
  • MouseEventManager overlapping move Events

DRAW 1.3.2


Composer DRAW 1.3.2, released on October 2019

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Clone default Olympe theme is now possible.
  • Sub-editor add marketplace panel + resizable panels
  • Function Editor - Properties / Relations drop down various improvements
  • Subeditors rendering the Marketplace themselves

CODE 7.1.5


Olympe Code 7.1.5, released on October 2019


  • Textfield with autocomplete implemented

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Add certificate authority file to HTTPS server
  • Implemented a mechanism that checks that heritage in the javascript/Sync world is coherent with the Datamodel
  • Properties in updateInstance blocks are now sorted with dumping
  • Take camera picture brick fix
  • Adding local timezone improvements
  • onMouseWheel events now fired
  • iOS 13 safari upgrades for asking permission to access device motion & orientation
  • Assign Label text as HTML only if needed

DRAW 1.3.1


Composer DRAW 1.3.1, released on October 2019


  • List of available theme classes available
  • Implementation of function to list all cameras streams
  • Repositories can now be moved

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Select non-business models in model inline editor
  • Switching layout and checkboxes works now in realtime
  • Scroll-bars of VisualComponent fixed
  • UI Screen Context Editor, Screen UI property and UI Scroll improvements
  • iPhone brick camera fix

DRAW 1.3.0


Composer DRAW 1.3.0, released in September 2019


  • Text components support for multiple lines.
  • Grouping/Ungrouping of UI components with selectable layout.
  • Labels & Buttons can have their width and height automatically calculated.
  • Font family selection is done via a dropdown.
  • Properties with a default value can be reset to the default via a button click.
  • Screens are now scrollable.
  • Groups are manageable from the tree view.
  • Labels now has an auto-wrap property.
  • New Media players (Video & Audio).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • UI Components and Editors improvements: dispatch events, themes
  • Property Editor: Function Inline/Editor
  • Helper/controller to run Function definitions
  • Updated default Olympe theme
  • Fixes within Function sub-editor calls
  • Improved current Video Stream with Video & Audio players
  • HTTP Bricks headers, responses and methods implemented

CODE 7.1.3


Olympe Code 7.1.3, released on September 2019

Bug fixes

  • OSaveFileBuilder linkage of complex properties

DRAW 1.2.3


Composer DRAW 1.2.3, released in September 2019


  • Improved performance of the composer.
  • Themes profiling
  • Updates on softcoded FileUpload

CODE 7.1.2


Olympe Code 7.1.2, released on August 2019


  • Definition and implementation for data backup/restore

Bug fixes

  • Maps component: Longitude property fix
  • Add SVG attributes: stroke-dashoffset & stroke-linecap
  • Improved unit test coverage

DRAW 1.2.2


Composer DRAW 1.2.2, released in August 2019

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Rendering in a drop-down menu improvement
  • Video controls do no longer appear when displaying webcam
  • Global data set display data browser enhancements

DRAW 1.2.1


Composer DRAW 1.2.1, released in August 2019

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • SyncControlFlow added to the Control flow input and output
  • EventHandlers resource leaks fixed
  • Property mapping permissions don’t break the runtime applications
  • Media Library’s images can now be exported
  • Added an inline editor for dates, using a Calendar

CODE 7.1.1


Olympe Code 7.1.1, released on August 2019

Bug fixes

  • Exclude non-managed files from Zip dump

CODE 7.1.0


Olympe Code 7.1.0, released on August 2019


  • Backup of an instance implementation as a ZIP file
  • New JSON format for the orchestrator restore and reset services
  • Add date-time of export when dumping in Draw
  • Documentation of UI
  • Improved implementation of UI Video Player element, and added an Audio Player
  • Timezone of ODateTime simplified and improved

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Logout cleaning flag
  • Cleanup some 'onXXX' event handler in UI elements
  • FileServiceManager download fix
  • Scheduler clear context properly
  • Ensure the info "isAuthenticated" is consistent with the Orchestrator state
  • Import patch date helpers accepts more than only the timestamp

DRAW 1.2.0


Composer DRAW 1.2.0, released in July 2019


  • Retrieving bricks in the Marketplace using a namespace
  • Marketplace UX improvements
  • Datamodel modifications for Folders, Functions and Service Apps

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Deleting a function no longer deletes Business Model properties/relations
  • Improved Logout experience
  • Folder and Logic Editors improvements

CODE 7.0.4


Olympe Code 7.0.4, released on July 2019

Bug fixes

  • Hotfix for 3D building

DRAW 1.1.3


Composer DRAW 1.1.3, released in July 2019


  • Visibility of Business Models in imported projects
  • Logic and DataModel editor and sub-editors improvements
  • ResetDB in debug mode is set by default

CODE 7.0.3


Olympe Code 7.0.3, released on July 2019


  • Improve DataCloud documentation
  • Error handling codes for Httpserver module
  • Add support for delayed nodes

Bug fixes

  • Lists adding and removing elements ranking issue solved

DRAW 1.1.1


Composer Draw 1.1.1, released in June 2019


  • Devise, implement and filtering actions in the Marketplace
  • Soft-coded UI elements improvements
  • UIEditor : Dropdown refining

Bug fixes

  • Rendering issue in soft coded lists

CODE 7.0.2


Olympe Code 7.0.2, released on June 2019


  • Handling Recursive relations
  • Extend sync in the registry
  • Use the Import Service of the orchestrator
  • Unit tests coverage improvements

Bug fixes

  • HttpServer serialisation issues
  • DataModel sub-editor bug fix

DRAW 1.1.0


Composer Draw 1.1.0, released in May 2019


  • Hard-coded functions and actions memory leak enhancement
  • Image & soft-coded UI components
  • Creation of backend ServiceApp
  • Display of DRAW version

Bug fixes

  • Tag, UI components fixes
  • Function sub-editors adjustments
  • Interaction event on bricks

CODE 7.0.1


Olympe Code 7.0.1, released on May 2019

Bug fixes

  • Node implementation of HTTP Request handling of PUT request
  • URL set on HTML FontFace