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Version: 2.9

2.5.4 - February 2024

Here is a small minor version to address a few pesky bugs and bring some improvements.

If you wish to get straight into the action, you can jump straight to here. For the changes included in this release, stick around and keep reading.

Major changes

Olympe Toolkit released

Since version 2.5.0, the Olympe platform offers the capability to use your own git repository while deploying your application to the Olympe Cloud. In order to use it, you were using the package @olympeio/olympe-toolkit which was still in beta (and its docker image olympeio/olympe-toolkit).

The toolkit version 1.0.0 is now fully ready and has been released with a simpler name: @olympeio/toolkit (and its docker image olympeio/toolkit).


That release includes the highly expected update command that make the continuous update of you code as data (Draw composition database) a reality! 🥳

The whole new development and deployment process is described in its dedicated page: Development and Deployment process.

How to take advantage of that new capability and deployment process:

  1. Update your dependencies in your package.json of your project according to this.
  2. Ask your Olympe team referent to activate the continuous deployment of your environment using the brand new update process each time you build and publish a codeAsData image.
  3. Enjoy 😎

Bug fixes and improvements

Olympe CODE and runtimes

  • Transaction: throw an error when trying to execute a transaction twice.
  • Groups do not prevent clicks through when another component is behind.
  • New parameter: sc.loadBusinessContainer=<boolean> (default: true): when using the embedded graph database as datasource, it can be useful not to load its entire content at the start of the application: when that parameter is set to false, the runtime will execute the queries when requested by the application, like for other datasources.
  • Query: sort of Color primitive type property is now supported (including in Runtime Data Set in Draw).
  • Alignment of CloudObjects.toString() and CloudObject.toJSON() methods to make CloudObject string representation simpler to read.

Olympe DRAW

  • Support of username with capital letters when adding users as contributors/viewers of a project.
  • Insight editor: remember filter selection by user
  • Improve mouse over components inside visual editor.

Use v2.5.4

  • Olympe DRAW v2.5.4 / CODE v9.5.4 / Extensions v2.5.7 / Orchestrator v7.2.1 / Toolkit 1.0.0 / DevTools N/A

The @olympeio/dev-tools and @olympeio/olympe-toolkit are now replaced by our brand new @olympeio/toolkit package.

To check that your Olympe environment is on v2.5.4: log in DRAW and click on the top-right logo, you'll see the current version you are using.

CODE update

If you are using coded bricks, please update your package.json file with the following dependencies:

// Dev dependencies:
"@olympeio/toolkit": "1.0.0",
"@olympeio/draw": "2.5.4",

// Dependencies
"@olympeio/runtime-web": "9.5.4",
"@olympeio/runtime-node": "9.5.4",
"@olympeio/core": "2.5.7"
// Olympe Extensions
"@olympeio-extensions/...": "2.5.7"