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Version: 2.10

2.10.4 - November 2024

The version 2.10 of Olympe Platform is a major release that essentially brings improvements to the performance of the platform: it reduces the time to open and load projects in Draw as well as new ways to decrease the time required to execute applications. Features listed below are specifies what is directly visible and actionable by users.

Major changes

Override spinner

You can now decide to override the black screen spinner provided by Olympe with your own spinner. This is useful when you want to provide a custom loading experience to your users. Packages @olympeio/draw and @olympeio/runtime-web come with a index.html file that can be used as HTML page entry point to run a frontend Olympe application. The file can be found in the node_modules/@olympeio/draw/index.html and node_modules/@olympeio/runtime-web/index.html.

The spinner can be overridden by using another index.html file with the following structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Import the Olympe main.js and main.css files here -->
<div id="olympe-loading">
<!-- Your custom spinner here -->

UI Template library

The UI Template library is a collection of pre-built UI components that can be used to create user interfaces in Olympe. The library is available from the npmjs repository and can be installed using the following command:

npm install --save @olympeio-extensions/olympe-ui

Disable preload of business container

By default, the flag sc.loadBusinessContainer was set to true. This has changed has it appears that most of the applications do not need to load the business container automatically. The flag is now set to false by default. You can still enable it by setting the flag to true in the oConfig.json file or via the URL.

This change only concerns business data stored in the "Embedded graph database". Other data sources don't use business container.

Performance flags:

  • stream.useWorker: this flag has been introduced to enable the use of web workers when loading code as data. This is useful mainly when opening projects in Draw: it accelerates the opening and decreases the load on the main thread of the browser tab.

  • Experimental modes: runtime modes have been introduced to test new features that are not yet stable. These modes can be enabled by setting the following flags in the oConfig.json file or via the URL:

    • sc.event.experimental=true: postpone the load and execution of contexts until the first event is received. Eg: bricks executed inside an "On Click" event won't start and won't be loaded until the first click event for that specific component is received. => This can have significant impact on the performance of the application and low chance to break the behaviour.
    • sc.action.experimental=true: postpone the load and execution of actions' content until the first control flow input is received.

Azure blob storage to store files (Draw >= 2.10.4)

Since Draw 2.10.4 (and extensions 2.10.2), you can now create and define specific file storage for data connectors to handle binaries on different places. It was already possible to choose to store binaries inside the database or to use the local disk based on a configuration. Now the Azure blob storage file connector is available. This new file connector allows you to store files in Azure Blob Storage instead of the default file storage location.

You can create and use your own file connector extensions too. More information about file connectors here: File Connectors

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • JSONAta library wrapped into bricks
  • Blob storage: New Azure blob storage brick in the @olympeio-extensions/azure package
  • Regex filter core brick fixed

Code API changes

The ActionBrick class is now deprecated. You should use the Brick class instead like it was the case for classical functions.

import { ActionBrick } from 'olympe';

class MyAction extends ActionBrick {
// ...

Should be globally replaced to:

import { Brick } from 'olympe';

class MyAction extends Brick {
// ...

There won't be any change in the behaviour of your brick.

Use v2.10.4

  • Olympe DRAW v2.10.4 / CODE v9.10.3 / Extensions v2.10.3 / Orchestrator v7.5.1 / Toolkit v1.2.1

To check whether your Olympe environment is on v2.10.0: click on the top-right logo in DRAW; you'll see the current version you are using.

draw version

CODE update

If you are using coded bricks, please update your package.json file with the following dependencies:

// Dev dependencies:
"@olympeio/toolkit": "1.2.1",
"@olympeio/draw": "2.10.4",

// Dependencies
"@olympeio/runtime-web": "9.10.3",
"@olympeio/runtime-node": "9.10.3",

// Olympe Extensions
"@olympeio/core": "2.10.3"
"@olympeio-extensions/...": "2.10.3"